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Buy ticketsPublished on June 14, 2023
The Evergreen Ignite Series allows people to explore their relationship to self, others and nature through self-guided audio tours.
TORONTO, ONTARIO (June 14, 2023) – How can we tell the story of a place? Through four immersive self-guided experiences, Evergreen has launched free tours that aim to reveal the hidden ways that ecosystems and people co-exist and co-create our most beloved urban places.
The Ignite Series kicked off at the Brick Works yesterday with over 100 people in attendance. The event showcased the audio experiences that visitors will explore on site.
Supported by the TD Bank Group, the four experiences in the Ignite Series focus on:
“The Ignite Series is an exploration of the social and ecological fabric of Evergreen Brick Works,” says Lois Lindsay, Chief Program Officer at Evergreen. “Beyond the Brick Works’ evolution from an industrial site to a regenerative public space, it has been used, cared for and enjoyed by human and non-human communities for centuries. We wanted to celebrate and honour the many people, cultures, species, and geological phenomena that have made this special place come alive.”
The self-guided experiences will be launched in two phases – the first is available now and the second will be available mid-July.
“TD is pleased to once again support Evergreen’s Ignite Series through the TD Ready Commitment, our corporate citizenship platform,” says Carolyn Scotchmer, Executive Director of the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation. “We believe that public spaces like the Brick Works create opportunities for growth, learning and connection in cities. We’re proud to support this project and its effort to illuminate the many ways people and nature create resilient urban spaces.”
Visit Evergreen Ignite Speaker Series for more details and follow us on Twitter and Instagram to join the conversation.
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Evergreen is dedicated to making cities livable, green and prosperous. Since 1991, the national not-for-profit has been facilitating change in communities through connection, innovation and sustainable actions. We work with community builders across sectors to solve some of the most pressing issues cities face: climate change, housing affordability, and access to nature and public spaces. The Brick Works, located in Toronto’s ravine system, is a year-round destination where the world comes to experience sustainability in action. Once an industrial brick factory, it is an internationally renowned showcase of green design, an award-winning public space and a test site to pilot ideas that can be scaled across the country to shape our cities for the better.