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Buy ticketsBuilding public spaces alongside local people who best understand the needs of their community.
Across our cities today, many people feel powerless to get involved in their local community in a meaningful way, even when they’re brimming with great ideas. Oftentimes, they are in need of the resources, expertise, or connections to turn a great idea into something that their community will love. Working collaboratively with local people is an opportunity to build truly special public spaces. A public space built with the local community can become a place that people feel ownership of and a place they go to for that feeling of connection with their neighbours.
In our work we’re focussed on strengthening local communities by:
At Evergreen, we never work alone. All of our work is done with the communities we serve, ensuring that the voice of the community is the driving force behind the work. Through this approach, we can guarantee that we’re creating public places that communities truly need and will ultimately love and enjoy.
Our team is part of a national network of experts from all walks of life. By bringing these different voices together, we’re continuously learning, growing, and innovating so that we’re forever creating better public places.
Our work goes far beyond our own work. We know that strengthening local communities leads to empowered communities—communities that produce their own great placemakers and inspire the next generation to take on the task.
Learn more about our programs that are empowering communities
Communities need the platform and resources to bring great ideas to life. Support the voices of emerging community leaders by supporting place-based programs today.
We love learning and sharing with our community, so contact us anytime. Whether you’ve got a great new idea for public places, a burning question about our work, or a perspective on something you’ve seen or experienced through Evergreen or at Evergreen Brick Works, we’re here to hear it.