16 octobre 2023
La conférence nationale annuelle d’Evergreen a rassemblé des industries, des cultures et des régions afin d’examiner le potentiel de l’espace public pour relever les défis sociaux, écologiques et économiques.
La 2023 Evergreen Conference s’est déroulée à Evergreen Brick Works et en ligne. Elle a été animée par des dizaines de conférenciers, de modérateurs, d’artistes et de vendeurs de tout le Canada qui s’investissent activement dans l’aménagement des espaces.
Nos partenaires de contenu 7GenCities, l’Institut urbain du Canada et Placemaking Canada ont joué un rôle essentiel dans l’élaboration des thèmes, des sujets et des idées abordés lors de la conférence.
Les espaces publics au cœur des villes régénératrices et résilientes
Les approches durables et innovantes en matière de logement pour les populations urbaines
Le soutien envers les expériences autochtones dans les espaces urbains
Notre conférencière principale était Zita Cobb, fondatrice et directrice générale de Shorefast. Zita a expliqué qu’en partant de la spécificité des espaces dans lesquels nous vivons et en mettant l’accent sur les populations locales—les cultivateurs, les artisans, les artistes, les bâtisseurs et les travailleurs de toutes sortes—nous pouvons approfondir les relations entre les personnes et les lieux.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les ateliers, les sessions et les événements de notre conférence Evergreen 2023.
Land Acknowledgement and Opening
Elder Laureen (Blu) Waters/Istchii Nikamoon
Nenookaasi Ochrym, Afro-Indigenous Singer and Activist
Jen Angel, CEO, Evergreen
En partenariat avec l’Institut d’infrastructure de l’Université de Toronto, le Réseau de solutions pour les communautés d’Evergreen montrera comment les projets créatifs à usage mixte représentent l’avenir de la construction de villes collaboratives et intentionnelles. Cette séance hybride, accompagnée d’une exposition en personne, se concentre sur le potentiel du développement créatif dans les lieux publics, intégré avec des outils et des technologies intelligents qui soutiennent l’infrastructure sociale et la résilience climatique..
Helen Ketema, Projects Lead, Infrastructure Institute, University of Toronto
Phat Le, Architectural Designer, Infrastructure Insititute, University of Toronto
Sarah Chan, Planning and Design Lead, School of Cities, University of Toronto
We will engage attendees using participatory futuring and collective imagination tools, as well as Sacred Civics foundational keys for unlocking our ability to dream about how we can build our cities, communities and regenerative bioregions. Alongside learning from living demonstrations of 7GenCities, this session will enable us to explore ways we can work together to radically transition the civic, social, natural, digital and physical infrastructures. This is needed so that urban communities and ecosystems can thrive in just, inclusive, regenerative and caring communities for the next seven generations.
Indigenous and Afro-futurity perspectives and methodologies, decolonial and Truth & Reconciliation principles and actions, and land-based perspectives will be woven throughout. This Imagining 7GenCities session will be an important imagination space in our collaborative work to extend the boundaries of what is possible and help raise public ambition for manifesting and building the field of 7GenCities.
Tanya Chung-Tiam-Fook, Co-Holder of 7GenCities with Dark Matter Labs, 7GenCities
Jayne Engle, Co-holder of 7GenCities with Dark Matter Labs, 7GenCities
The school ground design at Irma Coulson Public School in Halton Region has set new standards in stormwater management, topography, vegetated landscapes, material usage, retainment, seating and outdoor learning. Professionals in design, engineering and risk management will share the challenges, collaborative relationships and ideas that brought the Climate Ready Schools vision to life at Irma Coulson.
Heidi Campbell, Sr. Program Manager, Evergreen
Birgit Teichmann, Landscape Architect, Birgit Teichmann GmbH
Matt Humphries, Associate Principal and Project Lead, Arup
Ian Gaudet, Superintendent of Facility Services, Halton District School Board
Evergreen is committed to a national urban transformation, starting with reimagining the Evergreen Brick Works site and programs with partners from across the country. Join us for a collaborative workshop in the discovery phase of a design process involving select interdisciplinary partners, practitioners, and community leaders with unique perspective on the future of city-making in Canada.
Matthew Claudel, Founder, Field States
Join us for an outdoor experience at Evergreen Brick Works, where we will explore how you can integrate participatory, child friendly, nature-based approaches into your practice. We will share our experiences integrating arts-based and inclusive approaches in the design of outdoor public spaces, including parks, school grounds and childcare centres. We will provide an opportunity for you to share your experiences with your fellow placemakers. Child participation lies at the heart of creating more connected communities and climate resilient public spaces and is an essential part of ensuring a truly equitable and inclusive stakeholder approach.
Paula Gallo, B.Ed., M.Sc.Pl., Recreate Place
Annie Vandenberg, B.Ed., Recreate Place
Join us for an insightful session on the importance of measuring and evaluating the impact of public places, which is key to assessing our planet’s health, and people’s well-being and transforming public spaces. Speakers will present various ways of approaching this work to tell the stories of outcomes related to well-being, climate resilience, and sustainability. Measuring the impact of public spaces can support decision-making and be a powerful approach to achieving a more sustainable and inclusive future.
Kady Cowan, Founder, Sustainability Studio
Laura Smith, Project Manager, Park
Mike Davis, CEO , Davis Pier
By always starting with the specificity of the place where we live and with a focus on local people – growers, makers, artists, builders and doers of all kinds – the work of Shorefast seeks to deepen the relationships between people and place. This approach has enabled a regenerative model and sparked entrepreneurial momentum that provides an economic foundation for culture and community to flourish.
Zita Cobb, Founder & CEO of Shorefast, will share her learnings on Shorefast’s journey to-date and how the future may unfold when local communities are prioritized in economic decision making.
Zita Cobb, Founder and CEO, Shorefast
La deuxième de deux séances pour les organisations et les organisateurs communautaires autochtones en milieu urbain pour discuter des besoins spécifiques et des défis auxquels ils font face pour créer des espaces urbains pertinents pour les peuples autochtones. Ouvert à tous les participants à la conférence, ce panel diversifié de voix autochtones aidera à guider le groupe dans des conversations réfléchies autour du soutien à l’inclusion des populations autochtones urbaines dans les espaces publics.
Gabrielle Fayant-Lewis, Co-Founder, Assembly of Seven Generations
Pam Glode Desrochers, Executive Director, Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre
Ryan Besito, Kinship Support Worker, Native Child and Family Services of Toronto
Nenookaasi Ochrym, Afro-Indigenous Singer and Activist
Cette séance présentera des exemples de logements abordables et à revenus mixtes qui peuvent également favoriser des communautés saines, accueillantes et inclusives. Au cours d’une conversation avec nos panélistes et le public, nous explorerons trois projets uniques et examinerons les éléments nécessaires pour développer des communautés dynamiques tout en créant un puissant sentiment d’appartenance au lieu.
Dina Graser, Senior Project Advisor to Evergreen
Meg Davis, Chief Development Officer, Waterfront Toronto
Maja Vodanovic, Mayor of Lachine, Quebec
Kent Patenaude, Development Manager, LDM
L’impact de la rénovation d’une cour d’école sur une communauté peut être difficile à appréhender par les méthodes d’évaluation conventionnelles. Les directeurs et directrices d’école, en revanche, voient et entendent tout. Cheryl Hayles, directrice de l’école Irma Coulson, s’est entretenue avec Evergreen pour mieux cerner l’impact du projet pilote de cour d’école adaptée au changement climatique, que ce soit sur ses élèves, son personnel ou sa communauté.
Cheryl Hayles, Principal, Irma Coulson PS
Cam Collyer, Executive Lead, Evergreen
This workshop will walk participants through AI for the Resilient City: a scalable analytics and data visualization platform for extreme heat and urban heat island effect. This tool helps build understanding of the impacts of extreme heat on our communities, the role of green public spaces and infrastructure in cooling our built environment, and the importance of public space in a warming world.
Zoya Sodhi, Sr. Program Manager, Evergreen
Joshua Welch, Program Officer, Evergreen
Join Kourosh Rad, Evergreen’s new Director of Planning and Development, and architects and landscape architects from DTAH, LGA Architectural Partners, and Trophic Design for this active “walk & talk” style workshop. We will tour the Evergreen Brick Works site and hear about plans to transform and maintain the place in response to changing community needs.
We will be exploring the site and quarry via accessible paved or granular-level paths. Please wear weather-appropriate clothing and footwear. This is a rain-or-shine event. Contact conference@evergreen.ca for any accessibility needs.
Kourosh Rad, Director of Planning and Development, Evergreen
Megan Torza, Partner, DTAH
Drew Adams, Sr. Associate, LGA Architectural Partner
Terence Radford, Principal, Trophic Design
The Canadian Urban Institute’s series of online, candid conversations brings together city builders of all stripes to discuss what’s working, what’s not and what’s next for urban communities across Canada. https://canurb.org/citytalk-canada/
Zita Cobb, Founder & CEO of Shorefast
Mary Rowe, President & CEO, Canadian Urban Institute
Jen Angel, CEO, Evergreen