Adventure Camp - Day Camps

Day Camps

Our campers discover the magic of Toronto’s greener side as they explore the urban wilderness that lies in the heart of the Lower Don Valley and the surrounding ravine ecosystems.

Children look at a pamphlet about birds while sitting on the ground

Day Camps at Evergreen Brick Works

Evergreen offers day camp programs at Evergreen Brick Works for children and youth that are geared toward learning,exploring and discovering the greener side of Toronto.


Toronto offers children and youth an active environment like no other in which to uncover the histories, mysteries and beauty of nature within our very own urban backyard.


Our campers discover the magic of Toronto’s greener side as they explore the urban wilderness that lies in the heart of the Lower Don Valley and the surrounding ravine ecosystems.


For more information, contact us at or 416-586-0440.

Wood craft presentation.

Empower a kid's adventure

Your donations ensure that even more children can access our day camp programs at Evergreen Brick Works. Please consider making a gift and helping others connect with nature.

Donate Here

Visiting Groups

If you are a school or other group planning on visiting Evergreen Brick Works, please review our Information for Visiting Groups before your visit.

Information for Visiting Groups
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