
Laura Grier, North American Food Plants, 2022

Designed by Laura Grier, these raised plant beds showcase four of North America’s most unique native edible plants: pawpaw, American persimmon, groundnut and wild strawberry. The elusive yet sought after pawpaw and American persimmon are known for their luxurious tropical flavours, the ground nut for its tasty tubers, while the wild strawberry provides a delightful groundcover of tiny, sweet fruits. Together, these plants speak to the potential diversity of a regenerative landscape while providing a source of nutritious food both for pollinators and people.

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Want to learn more about these four edible plants that are native to North America?

Follow the zine folding instructions:

About Laura Grier:

Laura Grier is a Délı̨nę First Nations artist and printmaker, born in Somba Ké (Yellowknife), and raised in Alberta. Through the use of traditional print mediums, they instrumentalize the power of the handmade to reflect and respond to Bear Lake Dene language and experiences of urban Indigeneity. Laura’s work is inspired by the dynamism of Indigenous art practices and uses printmaking as a tool for resistance, refusal, and inherent Bets’ı̨nę́. They hold a BFA from NSCAD University (K’jipuktuk) and an MFA from OCAD University (Tkaronto). Laura currently resides in Tkaronto.


This project is a collaboration between Evergreen’s Outdoor Education and Public Art Program. The Evergreen Public Art Program is a series of curated and temporary public art projects that respond to the Indigenous, cultural, ecological, and industrial histories of the Evergreen Brick Works site and surrounding ravine system.

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